Keeping your home in good condition can take a serious toll on your peace of mind. Most maintenance repairs will fix the problem for a short period of time, so it’s important to find the right business that will locate the source of your home’s problems and prevent the source from happening again. One problem that can cause big trouble for you if not treated correctly is root intrusion in your home’s drainage pipes! Yikes!
What Is It Exactly?
Root intrusion in your drainage pipes is caused by tree roots simply searching for the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Unfortunately, those roots are looking for a water source, and small separations in your drain lines are the perfect gateway for those roots to reach that water. Once those roots have found those small openings, they will fill the pipes and clog them. Doesn’t sound like fun, right?
Fortunately, there is treatment for root intrusion. Choosing the right people to fix your problem, however, is going to be the toughest part. Rooter Man is a trustworthy company with trained specialist dedicated to helping you restore your drains to their former glory. Using a treatment called “Total-C,” Rooter Man can improve drain flow without harsh acids or solvents. Another treatment they use for root intrusion is RootX. This treatment will create powerful foam that will fill the pipe and kill the roots that are ruining your pipes, but that’s not all! RootX can inhibit new growth for up to twelve months, making your maintenance needs less frequent!
Excellent and Trustworthy Service!
Quality root intrusion treatment near Laplace is not hard to find thanks to Rooter Man! Serving their community for over thirty-seven years, they have always shown promising results to their customers. At Rooter Man, technicians are trained on a weekly basis to provide the best treatment for your root intrusion issues. They promise their customers that they will arrive on time, give you utmost respect, no sloppy aftermath, and trained professional technicians. So check them out for yourself!
Get Help Today
If you’ve been trying to find the right root intrusion treatment near Laplace, then visit the promising technicians at Rooter Man, or call 985-247-9833 to get help today!