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I received the following newsletter in August from the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors. It is so important for homeowners to understand why they should use licensed contractors, plumbers, electricians etc. This new law will assist you as a homeowner to change contractors if you feel you are not receiving the services you agreed upon. Please take a minute to read this bulletin.

Christine Keen Rooter Man

Governor Bobby Jindal Orders Homeowner Protections
Under the Hazard Mitigation Program

On August 19, 2011, Governor Bobby Jindal released Executive Order
BJ 11-18 covering homeowner protections under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

The Executive Order directs the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC) to conduct investigations and proceedings necessary to suspend or revoke licenses or issue cease and desist orders against any contractor or sub-contractor performing work funded by the Hazard Mitigation Program if they fail to demonstrate an ability to adequately meet all State expectations for participation in the Hazard Mitigation Program; fail to meet generally accepted standards of construction or expectations of the particular area of licensing expertise; violate any federal, state, or local building codes or ordinances; or ceases to possess the necessary qualifications of responsibility, skill, experience and integrity expected of a contractor or subcontractor engaged in work funded by the Hazard Mitigation Program.

Additionally, the Executive Order directs the Commissioner of Administration to:

  • Implement a process that will empower homeowners to change contractors and complete their elevation projects in a timely and proper manner
  • Inspect or investigate any residence involved in a complaint of deficient construction
  • Suspend payments to contractors under any existing contract, and/or suspend contractors from entering into future contracts funded by the Hazard Mitigation Program if  there was deficient construction and corrective action is not conducted in a timely manner
  • Increase insurance requirements on contractors participating in the Hazard Mitigation Program to ensure that contractors and subcontractors are sufficiently insured
  • Notify the Contractor’s Licensing Board of any finding that may be cause for suspension or revocation of a contractor
    or sub-contractor’s license by the Board and file complaints with the Board to institute such proceedings
  • Ensure transparency in the program through publicly posting on the Internet and other publicly accessible places a list of contractors and/or sub-contractors who have been suspended or barred from participation in the Hazard Mitigation Program
  • Educate homeowners, contractors, and sub-contractors on the Hazard Mitigation Program

The LSLBC is working diligently to ensure that the measures outlined by the Governor through this Executive Order are enforced.

Properly licensed and qualified contractors…It’s the Law!

For any questions or further information, please visit our website at www.lslbc.louisiana.govor contact us by phone at 225-765-2301 Ext. 213 or send an email to

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